On day 24, I’m forgoing the funny for a drizzle of sap. I’d like to thank Nicky and Mike @ We Work for Cheese for hosting the 30-day blogging challenge. I jumped in on day 17 and this morning, on day 24, I had a blogging epiphany. Blogging is nothing like writing and all about… Continue reading
Post Category → Blogging
Stiletto Heels or Insoles
I never wear stiletto heels because I’m a klutz. Going stiletto would trip me up and put me in the ICU. That’s why I wear safe, low-to-the-ground, sensible shoes. If I trip, the possibility of suffering a concussion diminishes by three inches. As a klutz, I’ve never been much of a shoe risk taker…. Continue reading
Like There Was No Tomorrow End of Days Rap
I’m following Linda’s lead @ The Good, The Bad, The Worse and reposting my rapture rap for Day 22 of 30 days of Writing, the brainchild (or shock therapist) of the catering staff @ We Work for Cheese. Written on MAY 21, 2011 Revised on JUNE 22, 2012 Rapping the Rapture Image via Wikipedia When I… Continue reading
Favors I’d ask of Satan or Satan Party Favors
For Your Prince of Darkness’ Judgment Day, Satan Goody Bags Personalized with a special message: “But by the envy of the devil, death came into the world.” – Book of Wisdom II. 24 That’s all she wrote. Day 21: “Favors I’d ask of Satan” prompt from the 30 Days of writing, creative writing challenge at… Continue reading
My Blogging Dysfunction
In an earlier post I wrote about a missing avatar, I admitted I was HTML intolerant. All those #@$#!! letters rupture brainwaves and accelerate my pulse I can’t find when holding my wrist, a sign that I’m a neurotic hypochondriac, as well as directionally impaired. Whenever my pulse gets a Black Sabbath vibe after… Continue reading
If a blog post falls in my head, does it make a sound?
The silence in my head speaks louder than the brain gremlins feeding on muse droppings and thought decay. All those lovely ideas scribbled on Post-it-Notes and envelopes, screaming to be saved. They telepathically collect rejection slips, while waiting in the dark chamber of neglect in the lobby of paper limbo. I’m still working out the… Continue reading
Have You Seen This Avatar?
The Google Friend Connect widget, once populated with faces on my sidebar, now appears empty and clueless, a border of its former self. On March 1st, Google discontinued Google Friend Connect on all non Blogger sites. Since that day “that will live on in infamy,” I’ve tried to find a Google Friend Connect plugin or… Continue reading
A Left Brain Plot to Kill a Right Brain Post
Fear hangs out with the letters on my keyboard among the dust clusters and granola bar crumbs. Actually, fear appears as a red herring, a fishy character that presumably kills off my blog post. But I know the real perpetrator, Perfectionism. The Perfectionist evil doer hijacks my brain, duct tapes my arms to the chair,… Continue reading
The Irrational Fear of Blogging
I woke up today and remembered that I had a blog. I’m slightly amnesic after a Google search algorithm sideswiped me while I was surfing Craigslist. I also might be HTML intolerant. Lately, the word “blog” sounds more like “blahg” when it rolls off my tongue, as if a rotten pistachio nut left a bad… Continue reading
Nuts: A Twitter Story
A Twitter Story in 140 Characters. Tom emptied his drawers, leaving Ann alone in bed with a bag of nuts. Ann ate them, despite her allergy, tweeted a salty goodbye then died.