The only computer/healthcare agency equipped to handle victims of hard drive head trauma
Dear Visiting Nerds,
After Uncle Ned, a retired Citrus Fruit Dyer, hit his head on the hard drive of his computer and passed out, I immediately got round the clock home healthcare assistance. Unfortunately, the accident rendered Uncle Ned verbally incontinent. He began to talk incessantly about computer hardware – Intel Core Processors, Motherboards, and the best utility software programs, discussing them in exhaustive detail. Uncle Ned was no longer able to speak about his favorite television shows or carry on small talk about the weather.
We took Uncle Ned to a neurologist, who diagnosed him with Gigaspeak Boreosis, an incurable condition that typically manifests itself after a hard drive head trauma. The neurologist explained that people suffering from Gigaspeak Boreosis believe they are IT specialists and will ramble on about computer tech issues they have no knowledge of, without stopping to take a breath. This inevitably causes them to pass out.
Because of Uncle Ned’s condition, he was constantly lecturing the home care nurses on the negative and positive affects of upgrading a computer’s operating system. The nurses kept falling asleep on the job, while Uncle Ned kept passing out. Not even excessive amounts of coffee and No-Doze could keep them awake. That’s when I picked up the phone and called Visiting Nerds of Silicon Valley.
Visiting Nerds is a national network of caring IT specialists equipped to handle people suffering from Gigaspeak Boreosis. The Visiting Nerd specialist caring for Uncle Ned was not only able to listen to his incessant chatter with interest but did so without ever dozing off.
The Visiting Nerd technician worked side-by-side with the home care nurse, spouting off interesting facts about computers to entertain Uncle Ned while the nurse forced him to take an occasional breath before he passed out.
In addition to being well versed in computer minutiae, a Visiting Nerd specialist has the experience to resolve any computer related issues that Uncle Ned was unable to fix. They handled the problems with such care and deft that Uncle Ned believed that he was the one who actually resolved the glitch.
Visiting Nerds are available for home bound care 24/7 and can be found on the web at, or call them anytime day or night at 1-800-get-nerd.
Thank you Visiting Nerds.
Yours sincerely,
Dee Lou Janal