A metaphysical place that is . . . as I reflect on the past year without cracking the satirical whip.
Right now, in the east, it is bitter cold and snow covers the ground. Folks are losing their jobs and there is a huge gap between rich and poor.
Despite my own dismal employment circumstances, I cannot help but still hold onto hope and the possibility that tomorrow sunlight will burn through the gray bloated sky that hangs over this new world order.
This new world disorder challenges me to use different skills and to improve upon the old ones. It pushes me to think in different ways, to create something out of nothing and to reinvent myself.
I must be a visionary and not let go of hope, or I’ll lose the spark and determination I need to keep putting one foot forward and prevent slipping backward.
I cannot afford to give up or dwell on past mistakes. I need to harness the creativity and passion inside me and around me, to dig my way out of the intellectual, emotional and financial hole that this new world order shoves me into from time to time.
And these times are the most difficult I’ve ever known. But I won’t let it defeat me or steal my dreams or erode the illuminating light of hope and inspiration. It’s everywhere. Just harder to find.
My bloggy buddy Heidi, the brains behind Momma Politico, recently posted an inspirational story about the elementary school where she is principal. They initiated a care package drive to send comfort items to a colleague’s husband and his battalion in
However, after accumulating an abundance of supplies and filling 200 goody bags for the troops, the school realized they had to ship forty priority boxes, not 12, which they didn’t have the money to ship.
The challenge of raising enough money to ship forty priority boxes was insurmountable, as they had exhausted their fundraising capabilities in addition to facing a diminishing window of time. No matter how unrealistic their goal appeared, because of their passion and drive, and an outpouring of support from the community, they were able to ship the forty boxes to the troops in time.
Please read the story The Christmas Wish that Almost Wasn’t: How We Pulled Together to Pull off a Christmas Miracle at Heidi’s site Momma Politico .
Heidi’s story is only one of many of inspiration. Another involves, Tasiasmama, a recovering addict, determined to keep her life on a positive path by staying clean. She blogs about her life as an addict and her recovery at http://anaddictsinnerself.blogspot.com and dailymemoirstofindingmyinnerself. Tasiasmama really puts the word “struggle” into perspective.
Beside these wonderful stories, I also find inspiration everyday in the blogosphere in the talented Bloggers who write stories that amuse, inspire, and infuse my life with hope from their boundless creativity, passion and ingenuity.
Thank you for enriching my life.
These are very dark times. It's not over yet either. This is the worst economy I've ever seen and I've seen some bad ones in my almost 60 years.
I hope and pray that things turn around soon and that jobs become available in the very near future. 🙁
You keep hanging on to that hope, after-all that is what the American Dream was built on.
Can you imagine, when this country first started and the trip to Boston to NYC was on horseback in this freezing cold? Took days not hours too.
Or the depression where the bleakness was the rule of the day. Can you imagine being born Jewish in Germany back in the 30's? On and on, you know what I mean.
I know even today we are to look at those who have it worse then us. The peoples of the Sudan, the citizens of Iraq/Afghanistan who are surrounded by our troops holding weapons. Our troops who hold those weapons and have no idea when they will get back to their loved ones.
Yeah it is tough and maybe the economy will never come back, but you're right friend. We have each other, this little group of bloggers who read each others entries and laugh, cry, discuss.
You're right too about looking at things differently and thinking outside the box to create a new you.
By the way, it's snowing here and I am trying to think outside the box, in order for the snow to be removed off the driveway by not using the traditional methods. If you have any ideas I am listening 🙂
Sandee: Yes, times are dark, but I've got to keep my mind above the darkness or else the darkness will devour me.
I live in hope too Lauren. Every single day. I, as well as most everyone I come in contact with have never been in tougher financial times as these. Hope is my get-through-it drug of choice…wine doesn't hurt either.
And I couldn't agree more, this blogworld has been like a lifeline at times for me and your beautiful, hopeful words and friendship enrich us as well Lauren.
Here's to hope my friend!!
…um, this is the part where you start handing out the drinks…
Glen: Thank God we've all got each other – a help line that reaches into the sky. Don't know about snow removal. You could try sled dogs and a plow.
Mrs. B: Thank you. Yes, the blogworld has been like a lifeline. Wine doesn't hurt and either does chocolate. Here's to hope. Wine's on me. Not the whine. It's great to have a friend like you up there watching over me.
you have such a great attitude Lauren. It will get through this.
Thanks Jean. It is you, as well as others in the blogging community that keeps me hopeful.
Hi Lauren,
It's a good thing that you write about hope here, since this is a challenging time for so many (myself included). I'm there with Mrs. Blogalot on the glass of wine. I also recommend brain candy. Mine happens to be humor, whine with friends, and dare I admit…..soap operas.
You've got humor in spades. You're also a fantastic writer. I'm really grateful that I have your blog to read- grab some hope while I'm here.
Stay well, and here's a brain candy bag tied with a holiday ribbon just for you.
Snee: Thank you so much for saying all those really nice things. It means a lot coming from an incredible writer like you. I've got a holiday brain candy bag for you, too. I just need a glass of wine with my whine and I'll be all set.
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