Not to be confused with the other George who was curious.
I don’t think camels are curious. From what I remember, which isn’t much, camels are nasty, as well as prolific spitters. Unless that was someone, I once worked with.
Notice I didn’t say, “With whom I once worked.” That’s too formal for me and a bit pretentious.
After all, I’m talking about a camel without a literary background.
My uncle wasn’t a writer like George, but he dabbled in oil paints for awhile, in his twenties, during the Beatnik days in New York City.
In his thirties, my uncle turned in his beret for a cowboy hat. Not really. I never actually saw him wear a hat when training an animal.
I never actually saw him train an animal either.
My uncle mostly trained dogs for television and movies.
I would like to think, or not, that George was the camel in the movie, Ishtar, starring Dustin Hoffman. Ishtar was a disaster, not a disaster movie.
I really wanted to believe that about George until I found this on Ishtar at Wikipedia.
The film’s animal trainer went looking for a blue-eyed camel in the Marrakech market, and found one he considered perfect. But he chose not to buy it right away, expecting he could find others and use that knowledge to bargain with the first trader for a better price. He did not realize that blue-eyed camels were rare, and couldn’t find another camel good enough. He returned to the first trader, who had since eaten the camel.
I’m pretty sure George didn’t have blue eyes or end up sautéed on a Bedouin’s plate.
George may not have had blue eyes, but he had a muzzle. Because, as I mentioned earlier, camels are nasty, as well as wicked spitters. They also look down at you in a judgmental sort of way.
But despite George the camel’s attitude problem, I still like to romanticize the memory of him and my uncle’s farm on the hill, with more dirt than grass. I’d like to remember seeing standoffish George, tower above his wood slat corral, contemplating dusty camel thoughts, while the neighbors barbecued burgers on the grille.
Welcome to day 19 of 30 Days of Writing, a creative writing challenge at We Work for Cheese. Today’s prompt is “Camel.”

Can I tell you that, while Googling “camels” like a mad fool at 5:30 this morning, I came across an article that said that camel meat was actually really healthy since it was so lean. Seems all the camel’s fat is stored in his hump.
I really do know too much about camels now. I need help.
In any case, I like this post a great deal. I award you 250 points. (Since you jumped in late, you might have missed that points are awarded to each entry to determine who wins this challenge. The points are based on a complicated and totally objective point system devised by me and issued by me. I gave myself 50,000 of them before the challenge began.)
Ok, I’m finished babbling now.
Ah. So, the hump is like the black neck in a clam.* I just looked up what the black thingy was called.*
Thanks for the points. How many do I need to fly to Paris for free? I’ve got a hankering for some French fries.
Ah, George the Camel. He was ever so tasty.
I don’t think I could knowingly eat a camel.
I wonder if you should serve camel with red or white wine.
OH NO! People eat camel!? REALLY!??!
I was also horrified to find out that people eat camels. I wonder if that’s after they smoke them.
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Freakin’ camels. After reading all the posts today, I now want to change my opinion that I wanted a camel. I think we should just go camel tipping.
I’m in!!!! You never wanted a pony?