The Next Big Thing Blog Hop
I’m thrilled to be participating in a blog hop called, “The Next Big Thing.” I was tagged by humor writer June O’Hara @ The Neurosis Files and asked to answer ten questions about my most recent writing project.
Here are my responses:
Ms. Salkin —
Please call me Lauren.
Lauren, where did the idea for your book or project come from?
I had written a short piece about being unemployed and realized that I had a longer story to tell. Rather than torture my husband, I struck the computer keys.

A pile of cover letters and help wanted ads
What is the working title of your book?
I’d rather keep that between the title and me.
What genre does it fall under?
It’s a tongue-in-cheek memoir — a tricky balance between sitcom levity and raw honesty— during a time I stared at the bottom of a metaphorical birdcage, while hanging upside down from the perch.
If applicable, who would you choose to play the characters in a movie?
Tina Fey or Amy Poehler if Amy (we’re on a first-name basis) wouldn’t mind dyeing her hair brown for the part, or I could dye my hair blonde. I’m flexible.
What is the one-sentence synopsis of your manuscript or project?
How I survived unemployment and the voices of mass destruction in my head.
Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
I hope to be represented by an agent. If any agents are interested, I’d be happy to rearrange my schedule so we can meet.
How long did it take to write the first draft of your manuscript?
Six months. The revision has taken over a year. I hope to complete the manuscript in the next week or two.
What other book would you compare this story to within the genre?
Marrying George Clooney because it involves a midlife crisis and crisis of mind, like mine.
Who or what inspired you to write this book?
I was pissed off and needed an outlet for my rage. I felt it was healthier than stalking an ex employer and threatening him.
What else about the book or story might pique the reader’s interest?
If you’ve ever been underemployed, unemployed or happily employed, you’ll be able to relate to my book. I write about the, often, bizarre world of interoffice politics, the difficulty in parsing the truth during an interview and the frustration of dealing with incompetent maniacal bosses.
In the precarious new world disorder, many of us have been fearful of losing our jobs, our homes, our minds. I lost two out of three. Thankfully, my husband and I were always able to pay the mortgage because we ate lots of Macaroni and Cheese.
With that, we end the interview. Ms. Salkin, thank you for your time.
You’re welcome. It’s Lauren!
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I can’t wait to read your book. Evil Twin would certainly enjoy a signed copy. She helps me master office politics.
Yeah, right…about as much as the cat helps clean up the post-Christmas mess.
Merry Christmas! Thanks!! I would definitely send you a signed copy, as long as you promise not to use it for fire wood. : ) I would imagine ET would be necessary for office politics. I could have used an Evil Twin when I worked in a corporate office.
The revision has been murder, speaking of ET. I’ve had two friends/writers read it and offer feedback.
I am sure your book will be terrific! You are such a witty writer! Hope you had a great holiday and have a healthy and happy New Years!
Thanks Phil. I really appreciate that. Hope you have a great holiday and happy and healthy New Years, too. It started to snow here. I wonder how bad it’s going to be this time. Sigh!
I almost didn’t read this post because it has nothing to do with porn. I’m glad I changed my mind. I look forward to reading your book. And your next post… which will have something to do with porn, right?
Hope you had a Merry Christmas, Ms Salkin… I mean, Lauren.
You always crack me up.
Time to start crafting a porn post. I work so much better with prompts and porn.
Yes, we did. Thank you. I hope you had a Merry Christmas, too. Actually, we’re Holiday Atheists.
You had a midlife crisis and crisis of mind…? Where was I?
On the couch, watching reality TV.
Ah… now I understand the lack of porn.
He’s not sleeping on the couch. Though after today, maybe he might be.
Hi Lauren,
I will definitely add your book to my reading list. So many people in my life have faced the challenges of being laid off, fired, and underemployed these past few years. I had my own experiences too so I will be able to relate as well.
Take Care. 🙂
Hi Justin,
Hope your situation has improved. It seems that this new “underemployed” way of life may be the new norm.
Thank you. I’m trying to finish the book this week, so I can start querying agents.
Take care -L
That is so exciting – a book! I can’t wait to read it. I bet it will be funny too. I hope it will start off your 2013 with a bang Lauren, you deserve it!
Thanks Lisa!!!
I’m trying to finish the revisions this week. I’ve already written the query letter. I still have to write a synopsis. I created a Table of Contents for the document, which helps with the synopsis. But, it can’t be included in the digital file should an agent ask for the manuscript.
I would love to read your book, I am in the same phase you described above.
Thank you.
Same phase of a book project or of unemployment/underemployment, etc.? Either case, I wish you the best of luck. Both experiences our equally draining.
Yours is a book I will read immediately. I love everything about the way you write, Lauren. (Wouldn’t want to call you Ms. Salkin.)
I hope you have the best year ever, and suspect you just might.
Thanks June.
I hope you’re feeling better and have a fabulous year. Loved your latest post. Another winner!
Lauren, I just tripped over your blog on and had to check out your fantastic sense of humor. And now you have a book? How completely awesome! I wish you much success on both your book and with all that you set out to accomplish in 2013! Looking forward to following your blog.
Thanks Terrye,
Hope you didn’t sprain anything. : ) I’m still working on the revisions. It’s a never-ending process. At one point, I’ll just stop. Thanks for swinging by. Wishing you a Happy and Healthy 2013.
Seems like the revisions take longer than the actual writing, doesn’t it? 🙂
Yep! The revisions do take longer. I find it helps to put the book down at times. It definitely makes me crazy. Unless, the opposite is true.
Wonderful interview and I look forward to reading your book. How I wish I had a work-in-progress, but it’s all I can do to spill out a few ramblings from time to time these days. Kudos to you!
Thanks Jayne. I’m looking forward to finishing it. : ) Having a work-in-progress is fun but it’s also a pain-in-the-ass (PITA) at times. Ramblings work, especially your ramblings.