My name is Lauren and I’m a 404-aholic.
I first realized I had a linking problem when Mike from We Work for Cheese told me about a defective link in the post, Canadians Blamed for Blast of Frigid Air or is that Frigidaire?
I accidentally added an “http” at the end of the address, which resulted in a “404 not found.”
Pfft! Bloody, “oops…404 error.”
Don’t pity me or other 404-aholics like me, those who may be afraid to admit they have a problem, afraid that people will pity their stupidity.
Not me!
I will never make excuses for my dysfunction, which is clearly due to an HTML disability, the root of the problem traced to my family history and an anomaly in the linking gene.
So, I set Mike’s broken link in a cast and continued blogging and linking and falling asleep on my desk when writing late at night.
Sleep is optimum blogging time for me. I rarely get into trouble during a REM cycle, except for an occasional dust up with a character in a dream. Like Nancy in “Nightmare on Elm Street,” I never get bludgeoned to death or end up duct taped to an exploding chair.
Face it. Shit happens at night in our dreams and during the day in real life.
This is real life. Right? Pinch me!
A month later, online and awake again, another linking slip-up in a post, a review of Luke Armstrong’s book, How We Are Human.
While reviewing the post after publishing it – like buying a car before test driving it – I noticed I had omitted a word from a sentence and had included a moldy link to Luke’s website: I discovered this after I clicked on the link and got a 404 page error.
Another day. Another oops…404 error.
At that point, I entered a linking program with Dr. Drew, where I work on abstaining from one last hit of HTML.
Sadly, I fear I will never be able to completely give up linking, as it is inherent in what I do.
Last week, I went on a linking bender, failed an HTML webalyzer test and lost my browsing license. Going forward, I think I’ll be okay if I link responsibly and never, ever link while driving.
Do you have a linking problem?

Tried to comment earlier and also got an error, not a 404 but still bad. “Destination unknown” or some such nonsense.
BlueHost was doing scheduled maintenance. It would be nice if that message popped up instead of “Destination unknown.” Geez. Also, are video ads popping up on your blog and dashboard?
No, should they be? π
No. I think I’ve got another problem.
How do I leave a comment at your site?
Oh, and no, I don’t have a linking problem…well, not today, knock on wood. Bluehost is working today, but we’ll see about tomorrow. π <– I hope π
Oh dear. I thought for sure this post was about a licking problem. I was tingling with excitement to hear about your tongue.
Wait. That just doesn’t sound right.
Happy Linking!
That would be my dog. He has a licking problem. I, however, have a linking problem. Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a linking problem, too.
“I will never make excuses for my dysfunction, which is clearly due to an HTML disability, the root of the problem traced to my family history and an anomaly in the linking gene.” I’m so taken with that sentence. I think I’ve read it 6 times now.
Embrace your dysfunction, Lauren. It’s funny and endearing as hell.
Thanks June. I think my dysfunction has embraced me. : )
I’m aware that you have a linking problem. Bwahahahahahahaha. I’ll put you in over at my place okay?
Have a terrific Silly Sunday. π
Yes please. Maybe I should see a professional about my problem.
If it makes you feel any better – I’ve done that, countless times too!
Maybe we all should be in blogging rehab.
Oh itβs Sunday-lovely, lovely Sunday! Ha ha! Thanks for the laugh out loud funnies!
Hope this finds you enjoying some downtime and making memories with loved ones!
P.S. Iβm doing a free webinar for beauty consultants, if you know an Avon, Arbonne or MaryKay lady who could use more sales and bridal clients, would you share this link? Thanks!
Ciao ciao for now!
Makeup University
Sorry Cherelynn. You also got spammed. I’ve got to fix my spam settings.
Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the post. Hope you had great day. Thanks for the heads up about the webinar. Good luck with it! I don’t know anybody. But hopefully someone will see this.
I’ve done that before too Lauren, not quite like that but I had issues when I converted from blogger to WordPress, many broken links that drove me mad. I may still have a few – I try to go back and update from time to time. I guess that makes me a 404-aholic too!
I just installed a plug-in called “broken link checker.” If that doesn’t do it, I don’t know what will. Lately, I feel like I’m afflicted by a tech curse.
Who knew that my little heads-up would inspire a post? All I can say is, thank god for Webmaster tools π
You are the wind beneath my wings or something else that wafted this way. Seriously, you are in the midst of a 28-day blogging marathon with great word prompts.
Btw, I just installed a link checker plug-in for the feeble minded.
For some reason, your comment got spammed. It’s probably because of all the shitty weather we’re getting here, down south. Thank you very much! I think you should keep your snow to yourself. Please!
I have been adding links into certain blog posts and now you worry me with this? Oh no! No I have to go back and click on all the links to see if they work.
Damn you Lauren! Now I need a drink and it’s only lunch time!
You can call me Peggy! : )
Hah! Be sure to drink and link responsibly. I just installed a plugin called “Broken Link Checker.”
I have similar kind of problem and whenever I tried to linking got failed or some error occured. After reading your wonderful stuff,really got so much help.Thank you so much for this wonderful post.
I don’t know how helpful it was. I ranted and didn’t provide much useful information.