This American experiment slowly grinds to a stop as our freedoms become constricted by hate and greed because billionaire politicians put party before country.
Our freedom is in the hands of a few powerful men who forsake their constitutional oath to hold onto power and pass laws that benefit their peers who stuff their pockets with cash. As long as they strangle opportunity and freedom for all, this experiment will continue to falter and possibly end because the powerful few were seduced by the intoxication of power, an aphrodisiac that has compromised our democracy.
We walk beneath the shadow of the flag that hangs perpetually at half-mast as democracy diminishes at the hands of powerful men, who diminish our security and institutions to please the profiteers of freedom to hold onto power at the expense of their constituents.
They duplicitously misrepresent and lie about protecting pre-existing conditions while taking it away in the courts–where they’re killing Obamacare and the people saved by it who will die if they get their way as well as countless others who have pre-existing conditions.
Without healthcare and financial independence, we lose our freedom and our choices become limited due to precarious circumstances.
All the choices, all the products sold on the shelves we will no longer be able to afford to buy–we become entrenched in the debt of others’ greed while they become richer and more powerful.
Freedom loses its way off the beaten path from the immorality of unfettered power.