While I listened to alleged singers on American Idol screech their way into millions of homes, my mutt Jenny started to bark and then promptly left the room. “I know,” I shook my head. “Just awful.” However, I soon learned that American Idol wasn’t the reason for her distress. Her barks were a Scooby alert for “Ruh-roh! Raggy!”
The barking continued outside in three part harmony, at which point I put an end to the Idol contestant’s misery with a click of the remote, opened the front door, and watched a mini basset hound named Lucky bound his way into my hallway with my two dogs, like the three amigos.
With broken chain swinging from his collar in syncopated beat to the sway of his tail, Lucky waddled into the kitchen, parked himself in front of a dog dish, and began demolishing the leftovers from Jake’s dinner, while my two mutts body slammed each other against the wall in delight. They love company, and I found out later this wasn’t Lucky’s first presumed dinner invitation.
It seems that Lucky likes taking early evening constitutionals without telling his owners and walk himself around the neighborhood, while saying “heel” and scooping his poop, then somehow ends up on our side of the mountain playing with my pups, who wear shock therapy dog collars to prevent them from wandering off like Lucky.
After Lucky finished snacking on kibbles and bits, he decided to take a tour of the house, headed upstairs, and stopped on the second floor landing to howl. Apparently, that’s what basset hounds do and do well, as my dogs continued to body slam each other then raced down stairs into the kitchen, slip sliding against the sleek tiles into several chairs, and having an altogether terrific doggone time.
Lucky, on the other hand, continued his house tour as my son tried to nab him in order to get the phone number off his collar. When my son finally cornered him, he called out the numbers to me as I keypunched them into the handheld. Several rings later, I was chatting with Lucky’s adopted human dad, who was thrilled to know that he we had his furry son, although not too thrilled with Lucky’s propensity for making himself at home in other people’s homes.
Ten minutes later, we said our goodbyes to Lucky and sat back down to watch American Idol and more howling. Maybe the karaoke-like screechy singing caused Lucky to break his chain in the first place. After all, dog’s have sensitive ears and a nose for that shit.
What do you think of this season of American Idol?
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I did my time watching the first season of American Idol. Kelly Clarkson was the local girl and a friend from work knew her. My friend's daughter was Kelly's best friend.
I don't mind hearing them sing during the last few shows or seeing the delusional contestants try-out. It's pathetic when some of these folks really think they are good!
What a fun story about Lucky! It's a good think your dogs enjoyed the company. My cat would have had a heart attack and died.
God I watched one show of AI this season and it was this past week and I am sorry, how does this show make it on the air and get rated number 1 every season. The novelty wore off after the Fat Guy sung and won over the skinny point dexter dude. Better change Luckies name if he has to sit through another episode. Poor dog.
Lucky seems to enjoy his time out very much it seems.
I think the girls are better this year though the quality of the contestants seems to do down year after year.
This is the first season that I have not watched since it started. I think I miss the Paula Abdul train wreck factor or I'm just tired of all of them saying the word pitchy. Still can't decide (-:
Apparently, when it comes to music, Lucky is all ears!
Wow, Am a great fan of American idol ma'am!
And everytime, i always believe another story and another life changing achievments.. And that is one the reason why American idol reached what they have now.. Those successful singers of today! I love Carrie Underwood, and Jasmine trias.
Who would have thought AI would "Jump The Shark" by getting rid of wacky Paula – but this season misses her drugged out ramblings and incoherent raves.
As for Lucky – he reminds me of my ex sister-in-law – she used to mooch off the neighbors too, by dropping in unexpectedly, eating food that didn't belong to her and pooping on the floor. Oh wait, Lucky didn't do that.
Every year I vow that I'm not wasting my time watching AI again. And every year I watch the stupid show. Honestly, this is one of (if not THE) worst seasons ever.
That was some adventure. Actually, it was an adventure for all you guys…:)
I hate AI. Its addicting. I would watch the same episodes at least 3 times. So no more AI for me!
Have a good day!:)
Hi. Thanks for all your comments. Responding from my car at the library as my laptop teeters precariously on the center console. My favorite Idol female singer this year is Crystal, favorite male, Lee and Alex Lambert. I also miss the train wreck that was Paula. It was fun to see if she'd show up stoned or sober.