Dog Park Tales: A Day in Poo Land.

Image by dullhunk via Flickr / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Warning:  Humans suffering from highbrow humor disorder, irritable wit syndrome, or sensitivity to john jokes (not hookers or brother-in-laws) should not read past this line. Just remember. You were warned! BEFORE DOG CRAP BECOMES SHOE SPLAT. A trip to the local dog park, where free-range… Continue reading

Sarah Palin Magazine: Straight from the moose’s mouth to your bleeding ears.

Image via Wikipedia Oprah, she ain’t! Sarah Palin Magazine – Coming soon to a newsstand near you. (They still have those?) The only magazine with run-on sentences and fictionalized accounts of the facts. “The genesis of it was really simple,” said Steve LeGrice, the publisher and editor of Imagine That. “We’re up here in New… Continue reading