Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s leg Thou shall not chase the cat when she wanders into mutt air space Thou shall not abduct a sock, shoe or glove from a wedded pair Thou shall not kill a rodent and leave it fermenting on the bed Thou shall not blight my clothing with thy muddy… Continue reading
QB and Me, a Whole Equal to the Sum of our Parts
I met QB back in the 70s at a bar in the lower east village. He swaggered up to my table, as a friend and I argued over the merits of bookkeeping versus book tossing. I raised my gaze to a 45-degree angle. “Hello,“ he said. “You’re a cute little number. I’d like to buy… Continue reading
My Skype Vacation
Last week, I sort of went to San Diego. My husband traveled there by Jet Blue. I traveled there by Smartphone. My husband Skyped me from the pool. It was so romantic. He held me tight in his hand beneath a luminous sky, my face pressed against his screen. “This is the hotel,” he said,… Continue reading
Failed Social Networks Modeled after Twitter
BITTER Social network for insensitive tarts CRITTER Social network for pests FITTER Social network for tailors JITTER Social network for neurotics KNITTER Social network for crochet enthusiasts LITTER Social Network for garbage men MITTER Social network for Romney supporters QUITTER Social network for slackers SHITTER Social network for the colon conscious SITTER Social network for… Continue reading
A Left Brain Plot to Kill a Right Brain Post
Fear hangs out with the letters on my keyboard among the dust clusters and granola bar crumbs. Actually, fear appears as a red herring, a fishy character that presumably kills off my blog post. But I know the real perpetrator, Perfectionism. The Perfectionist evil doer hijacks my brain, duct tapes my arms to the chair,… Continue reading
Who Killed the Economy the Banker or CEO?
A SHERLOCK HOLMES MYSTERY YOU WON’T SEE ON TV INT. KITCHEN A bloodied corpse lies beneath the kitchen table. Holmes and Watson examine it for clues. WATSON Holmes, I dare say the Economy has been shot, strangled and stabbed — HOLMES And poisoned, Watson. You missed the syrup residue on his lips. This pour soul… Continue reading
The Irrational Fear of Blogging
I woke up today and remembered that I had a blog. I’m slightly amnesic after a Google search algorithm sideswiped me while I was surfing Craigslist. I also might be HTML intolerant. Lately, the word “blog” sounds more like “blahg” when it rolls off my tongue, as if a rotten pistachio nut left a bad… Continue reading
eBook Review: Shit that Pisses Me Off
When asked to review Peg Tittle’s eBook, “Shit that Pisses Me Off,” a collection of 25 previously published essays with attitude, I couldn’t say no. I had found a pissed off kindred spirit who writes radioactive prose with a hint of sardonic wit. Also, her name is cool. Peg sets her sights on a subject… Continue reading
Brain talk – when the chatter never stops
My brain talks too much. As soon as I open my eyes to a freshly minted day, my brain starts yammering. Blah, blah, blah. Things to do: Make beds with hospital corners. Note: Omit drainage bag and catheter. Wipe out dust bunny colony. Note: Dump remains in woods in back of house. Sometimes I get… Continue reading
Congress Incinerates the American Dream
In light of last night’s report on Congressional insider trading, which aired on Sixty Minutes, I thought it was appropriate to repost this rant from April 2011. Several years ago, the universe shifted and knocked most of us off our feet, while others still reap in the rewards. The ground is still not stable…. Continue reading