Image via Wikipedia In tribute to the brain dead politicians who wasted billions of dollars last week while trying to resolve the debt crisis, I’m reposting this piece from 2009. Are you a Debtutant? “Nothing says give me a break like a credit card slap in the hand,” the sales lady said. “Yes,” the others… Continue reading
Granny Samaritan and the Frozen Steak Stir-Fry
Image via Wikipedia Close Encounters of the Third Aisle. A refurbished post from 2009. The supermarket and I have a love-hate relationship because I hate going. Although once I arrive, I love finding a story down one of the aisles. “Should I choose door number one or door number two?” I wondered aloud, while in… Continue reading
Checking the Rearview Mirror Back to Mayhem 2009.
Image by grendelkhan via Flickr Back in May 2009, my Uncle Sam on my mother’s side, helped support me after Frank the baker cut off my dough and tossed me out the back door with the used doilies. Although I am eternally grateful to my Uncle Sam for his financial help while we tube fed… Continue reading
When A Brain Goes MIA
If Only There Was a Lost and Found for Brains I once had a brain but it went MIA above the yondering blue where the space ships cruise in weightlessness. That’s where my brain is — somewhere in space, the final frontier — floating in a vacuum of nothingness. In space, there is no air… Continue reading
Damn Naggers!
Image by onlinewoman via Flickr There I said it, the “N” word. Nagger! Nagger! Nagger! Too many naggers in my life. Take my car, please. CARL CARBeep. Beep. Beep. Your seatbelt is off. Your seatbelt is off. Put on your damn seat belt. MEShut up already. I got it! CARL CARYou don’t have to be… Continue reading
A Foot Faux Pas.
I took off my shoes before entering the house. Homeowner foot fetish I suspect. I’ve been down this path before, literally, and should have been more foot smart this time. But I forgot about the “no shoe” rule and the corn wrap air bag on my pinkie toe. Because I got lost, I was the… Continue reading
Black And True And Weird All Over.
The weirdness of life continues to dog me. Yes, its bark is as bad as its bite, and it’s also a terrible mouser. Five minutes ago, my cat sauntered into the kitchen and dropped a mouse and leaf on the floor. I don’t know if my cat is near-sighted, thought that she bagged two mice… Continue reading
Backstory off a Short Career.
Image by phr3qu3ncy via Flickr A Blogging Retrospective How I got from Point A to Point Zto … what was the point? My uprooting and eventual flotsam status in the deep end of the unemployment sea began soon after I left my job of nine plus years at a mommy magazine from which I needed… Continue reading
Perimeno Menace, Not to Be Confused with Jose Jimenez
From the estrogen files … archived but not forgotten. Anyone for a Perimenopausal Cocktail? (Originally posted Friday, Oct 30, 2009) Time to smash the rose-colored glasses. Damn it! I’m moody. This gloomy weather and the gray drippy sky doesn’t help. I want to be five years old again, find a mud puddle, jump in it,… Continue reading
Totally Retro-spective!
Image via Wikipedia When I started blogging two plus years ago, I had zero readers but that was irrelevant. Having an outlet to keep me sane was my prime directive. Earthly writing also kept me sane but required at least 5,000 words, the typical length of a short story, my chosen literary genre. Whereas, blog… Continue reading