Shallow End of the Office A recycled and revised post from May 2009 Warning: For those with short attention spans, listen to the fake person reading the post (by clicking on the “listen now” icon) while doing something else, like having a life. Secretaria stared at her “to-do” list until the words grew hazy…. Continue reading
Adopt an indie artist! They’re housebroken and well-behaved.
I’d like to help promote indie artists by “adopting” them or promoting them on my blog by posting a video, mentioning an upcoming event, and then placing their picture with a link in the sidebar for a week. To start things rolling, this week I’m adopting Elza, an award-winning songwriter, who performs a spicy… Continue reading
Exercising poor judgment while working out.
Image via Wikipedia Want to Exercise? Pick Your Poison. Sweat by Jog, Gym, or Treadmill? (previously posted in 2007; revised and repackaged) JOGGING THE WALLET There is something glamorous about jogging in a Moxie Skirt and Fizz Tank Top until you run for sixty-seconds, then stumble into your neighbor’s yard gasping for breath, falling onto… Continue reading
The Metamucil Club.
Image by rileyroxx via Flickr No elderly were harmed in the creation of this blog post. / CC BY 2.0 On my lunch hour,15-minutes removed, I raced over to the library for some much-needed quiet, or so I thought, since library’s are supposed to be quiet, right? Well, not this one. You see,… Continue reading
Happy 101, a precursor to Happy 102 for credit.
A belated posting of the Happy 101 Award from Sally Lee by the Sea. Thank you so much for including me in your list of ten. I’m deeply touched by the gesture. Please stop by Sally Lee by the Sea, filled with Sally’s passion for life and all things by the sea. Her comfortable beauty… Continue reading
WTF? I Received the Eternal Sunshine Award of the Spotted Mind.
I thought it fitting to post this on Friday, the day of Ivy’s great meme, WTF Friday, which you can find at her site Unscripted Life. In Ivy’s words: Every Friday, I bring you a true story that will leave you asking (as we say in the Unscripted family) “WTF mate?!?” Ivy has poured her… Continue reading
Tweet and Repeat were sitting on a fence . . .
Tweet got off and then who was left? Repeat. Tweet and repeat were sitting on a fence. Tweet got off and then who was left? Repeat. Okay. Enough of this twit talk. You get it. But now that you’ve got it.. Get with the tweety bird brain trust and follow the sound of tapped out… Continue reading
A Walk Down Cemetery Lane: A Post Mortem.
If a headstone falls in a cemetery, does it make a sound? First Posted July, 2009 Only a medium with a reliable spirit source could answer such a question. Unfortunately, most ghosts are flighty, show up unannounced, and leave cold spots on the living room rug. If I were a ghost, I… Continue reading
Parallel parked on the couch and other beautiful bloggy things.
In keeping with the caffeinated version of the Academy Awards that aired this past Sunday night, I’d like to move this along at rapid heart beat speed and thank Confessions of a Reforming Geek for this esteemed award. Confessions of a Reforming Geek is a hilarious geeky lady with an evil twin that lurks somewhere… Continue reading
Scarfing Down Scooby Snacks as American Idol Idles.
Image via Wikipedia GUESS WHO’S COMING FOR KIBBLES AND BITS? While I listened to alleged singers on American Idol screech their way into millions of homes, my mutt Jenny started to bark and then promptly left the room. “I know,” I shook my head. “Just awful.” However, I soon learned that American Idol wasn’t the… Continue reading