Image by upthestick via Flickr Holmes: Pacing. Well, Watson, it seems that the six bras were last seen hanging from the rack in the laundry room, where Dame Worthington still searches for her undergarments. Watson: Clears his throat. Bras, sir? Holmes: Bosom braces, Watson. Those confounded female contraptions with padlock clasps in the back. … Continue reading
My dog ate my snow shoe and other digestible thoughts.
Dogs, you can’t live with them; you can’t live without them. Oh, that’s men, but my husband has never eaten or attempted to eat my snow shoes. Wrong picture. That’s a deer, a doe, a female deer. My dogs, however, (I have two of them) love to chomp on leather, or cotton/polyester products with a… Continue reading
Fog Engulfs Executive Branch of the Brain.
Image by me’nthedogs via Flickr / CC
Shock Therapy for the Employed.
Image by merfam via Flickr Ringing Phones. Make Them Stop! / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
WTF Friday: Shopping Center Considers Women Special Needs Drivers.
Image by dklimke via Flickr Car park offers wider spaces, signs to help women drivers in need | Oh men and their need to malign women drivers. Are we really auto dysfunctional or just preoccupied with stuff, like screaming kids and husbands yelling at us to “hurry up and park the… Continue reading
Barber Shop Stories: Roots of Our Fathers.
Image via Wikipedia CANDY COMBATANTS AND BEER BOMBARDIERS. I get my hair cut at a local unisex barber shop in town where my husband and son also get their hair cut. On this particular day, my husband had an appointment before me and watched a DVD of Venice, Italy, while locks of his hair fell… Continue reading
How blogging saved my mind but not my 401K.
Cover via Amazon REPLACING THE DECK CHAIRS. After being jobless for almost a year, tomorrow I will once again be jobfull. A culture shock waiting to happen due to my previous limited conversational choices, which included the characters in my head and virtual blogging friends. I know you’re all real! Spare us the sentimental crap… Continue reading
Dog Park Tales: A Day in Poo Land.
Image by dullhunk via Flickr / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 Warning: Humans suffering from highbrow humor disorder, irritable wit syndrome, or sensitivity to john jokes (not hookers or brother-in-laws) should not read past this line. Just remember. You were warned! BEFORE DOG CRAP BECOMES SHOE SPLAT. A trip to the local dog park, where free-range… Continue reading
Sarah Palin Magazine: Straight from the moose’s mouth to your bleeding ears.
Image via Wikipedia Oprah, she ain’t! Sarah Palin Magazine – Coming soon to a newsstand near you. (They still have those?) The only magazine with run-on sentences and fictionalized accounts of the facts. “The genesis of it was really simple,” said Steve LeGrice, the publisher and editor of Imagine That. “We’re up here in New… Continue reading
iPad Companion Product – the iFlo.
iFlo Accessories iDouche – Cache cleaner iPMS – Kills viruses and anything else that gets in the way iMidol – Relieves desktop water retention iPlug – USB flash stick stops memory leaks iProzac – Prevents hard drive crashes iStridex – Wipes oily buildup off case iPill – Monthly periodic maintenance program iRecall – Extra… Continue reading