I’ve been blogging off and on since 2009, the year I lost my job during the not-so-great recession. Back then I blogged to purge my thoughts and never thought about finding a niche for my blog. I considered blogging a platform for testing ideas, where I could meet other bloggers and get feedback on my posts…. Continue reading
A Draft From My Fleeting Thoughts
I tried writing a blog post today and ended up floating through social media sites, adhering to the parameters of my short attention span. On Twitter, I attempted to write 140 characters of prose for the 1st-line Wednesday hashtag game. Instead, I wrote 116 characters, which included the hashtag #1linewed, falling short of my 500-word goal. Writing is hard…. Continue reading
America Elects Its Next Celebrity President
It’s not surprising that Trump won the election. Americans love reality television. Millions of viewers tune it to watch Survivor every Wednesday night, others can’t survive without their Tuesday fix of Dancing with the Stars. When the election mutated into a spin-off of The Apprentice, Americans couldn’t get enough of Trump’s on-the-trail antics, some of… Continue reading
Writer’s Block: Blame It On Trump!
I had every intention of writing a blog post but that same old dread enveloped me like a noxious fog — President Trump. Eye twitches. I tried to calm myself by meditating: ohm, ohm… Oh, my God, President Trump. Throat constricts. I tried taking a walk to get inspired: Trees, birds… Trump. Brain freezes. I’ve got… Continue reading
In Search of the Endangered Attention Span
Interacting on Facebook and Twitter takes less time than writing a 400-word blog post. 400 words are too many for someone like me, someone who is easily distracted, who stops writing in the middle of a sentence to run outside and take a picture of a tree.
Continue readingBlogging Your Way Back To Writing
Why write a post for free when I should be revising a story I want to sell to a magazine? Writing is my focus, not blogging.
Continue readingPerfectionism, What Is It Good For?
I was revising a post about the pitfalls of perfectionism and realized I couldn’t stop revising it. I had fallen into the very pitfall I wrote about in the post that no one would read. What a conundrum and interesting predicament. Interesting, because this predicament of mine could serve as a learning experience for other perfectionists…. Continue reading
For The Love Of Writing
I’ve always wanted to be a writer, which is a silly notion. How can you want to be something you already are? Writing became me. It is intrinsic to how I live my life. I am a scribbler, an anthropologist, a curator of words. Writing is my religion. It’s as close to God as I… Continue reading
My Existential Blogging Crisis
Blogger, Writer, Tech Support I stop by my blog every now and then to dust off the dashboard.“Why am I here?” I ask, waiting for divine intervention. But, all I got was spam. Other times, I return to the dashboard after receiving a bad news email from a security plugin that’s a bit of a drama… Continue reading
That Awkward Moment – Writing A Blog Post Then Promoting It.
PERFECTION IS A FANTASY Once you finish writing a blog post and then publish it, you panic. You see a word or two you want to change, a sentence that could be phrased differently. And you think. Who would want to read this? It’s crap! It needs another revision. You backslide into “this isn’t good enough syndrome,” and get… Continue reading