As writers, we have a responsibility to speak out when things get under our skin and poke at our gut in an unrelenting way. Words that evoke emotion or provoke thought is what writers do and should be doing, especially now at a time of one-party government led by an authoritarian bent president. Jessica Kourkounis… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → White House
White House Pulls The Plug On Meals On Wheels
Considered a non-essential item in the White House budget, the Meals on Wheels program will likely be terminated along with grandma — “Whose life expectancy exceeds her value to society,” according to the budget overview. “Non-essential spending on people who’ve outlasted their expiration date will be shifted to essential budgets like the military, to help pay for wars caused by Trump’s… Continue reading
Sweden Incident: The Migrant Meatball Crisis
The sneeze heard around the world. The cause of the Sweden Incident became clearer late Sunday night in newly leaked information from the Trump White House. A kitchen in Stockholm is the focus of the investigation that involves a plate of spaghetti and one migrant meatball that went missing during an early bird special. Reports from… Continue reading