In the infinite darkness of suburbia, an asphalt-hopping frog defies death to cross the road. I see it in a flash of headlight that hits it midway before it reaches the other side. I brake to prevent from flattening it, guided by a lingering empathy from the 80s. I regret killing its countless cartoon compadres… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → writing
The Case of the Missing Font Family. Hint. The Delete Key Did It!
Hey, you blanking page. What happened to the Font family? They vanished somewhere between the margins, their characters decimated by Jihadist spelling terrorists. Alas, I fear the fragment may be dead, but I can’t find the body of words. I need an English detective to solve the case – Sherlock Holmes. Prep your pipe and… Continue reading
A Left Brain Plot to Kill a Right Brain Post
Fear hangs out with the letters on my keyboard among the dust clusters and granola bar crumbs. Actually, fear appears as a red herring, a fishy character that presumably kills off my blog post. But I know the real perpetrator, Perfectionism. The Perfectionist evil doer hijacks my brain, duct tapes my arms to the chair,… Continue reading