Visiting Nerds of Silicon Valley – Certified IT/Healthcare Professionals

The only computer/healthcare agency equipped to handle victims of hard drive head trauma A CUSTOMER LETTER Dear Visiting Nerds, After Uncle Ned, a retired Citrus Fruit Dyer, hit his head on the hard drive of his computer and passed out, I immediately got round the clock home healthcare assistance. Unfortunately, the accident rendered Uncle Ned… Continue reading

Sick of Pharmaceutical Ads – Ask Your Doctor about Pharm Blocker

Pharm Blocker  THE BETTER BETA BRAIN BLOCKER / CC BY-SA 2.0 If you experience feelings of hopelessness, emptiness, or despair while watching pharmaceutical commercials, you may be suffering from Pharm Ad Psychosis or PAP. Pharm Blocker, taken once a day, eliminates symptoms associated with PAP by increasing serotonin levels to the brain, which prevents… Continue reading