Image via Wikipedia. A DRAMATIZATION. Alice Smith sits in front of her computer, about to write. Suddenly, her computer freezes. She can’t think. A pain shoots through her brain — a writing blockage immobilizes her. The white screen of death gives her the evil eye. Her brain shuts down, as the room spins. She passes… Continue reading
Date Archives → October 2010
How to Prevent Traumatic-Post Stress Disorder.
Channel your energy to your writing and not to outside distractions. Fads pass through the blogosphere faster than a toe-tapping politician can talk his way out of a bathroom stall while an unamused cop rattles a pair of handcuffs. But fads are just distractions, as is stressing over frivolous stuff, like your subscriber count,… Continue reading
Where Have All the Windows Gone?
The office where I work boasts lovely views of the parking lot from four windows, soon to be zero. Image by Ateo Fiel via Flickr We are moving to new digs, literally, in the basement of the building. I literally hate the word literally. Image via Wikipedia There will be zero windows in the… Continue reading
Mentamucil-The Natural Brain Laxative.
When You’re Blocked. The number one preferred brain laxative of non-institutionalized shrinks, Mentamucil contains natural brain fiber that adds bulk to gray matter where thoughts matter most. More brain fiber less WTF moments. Taken daily, Mentamucil improves colon and comma health by helping you move your vowels regularly. No more discomfort from introspective constipation or… Continue reading
Are you Scribeaphobic – Afraid to Write?
Image via Wikipedia Some days I would rather do anything than write, which inevitably gives way to a game of self-deception. The game begins with a glance out the window under the guise of seeking inspiration. I hone in on the dandelions instead. “Must eliminate,” I mutter like a section eight patient and head outside… Continue reading
Jobless Rate Rises by One.
Image by Cornell University Library via Flickr On Friday, I opened my email at work and read this: Your position with — is being terminated due to restructuring. Let’s meet at 4:45 to discuss further. The person who sent the email sat behind me, only two-feet away. Instead of turning around and facing the person… Continue reading