On the side of the road, laces tattered, leather faded, a shoe soaks up the late day sun. Once a vessel for a seafaring man, its destiny determined by a fickle sea in a violent sway or lurch of a boat, both succumbed to the ravages of a sudden rogue wave; the shoe and… Continue reading
Date Archives → February 2013
I Have a Linking Problem
My name is Lauren and I’m a 404-aholic. I first realized I had a linking problem when Mike from We Work for Cheese told me about a defective link in the post, Canadians Blamed for Blast of Frigid Air or is that Frigidaire? I accidentally added an “http” at the end of the address, which resulted… Continue reading
Microsoft, what were you thinking?
Bad Computer! Never uninstall SoundMax from your computer. Yep, I did that and now my computer is mute and possibly even deaf. What? My computer can’t speak. Never could actually. That was my shrill voice echoing off the screen. I just wanted to tidy up the desktop a bit – throw out the trash, get rid… Continue reading
Poetry 3.0 – How We Are Human by Luke Armstrong
A Book of Poetry for the Digital Generation Like Groucho Marx who didn’t want to belong to a club that would have him as a member, Luke Armstrong doesn’t subscribe to an arcane poetic mindset that repels readers and embraces the obscure. Luke’s disdain for the arcane is evident in his recently published book of poems, How We… Continue reading
iFeline Cat Robot with Dog Death Ray
The iFeline cat robot is so authentic looking you’ll swear it’s real! After fourteen years (seven human years), our software experts at iFeline Laboratories have perfected the first responsive cat robot on the market, produced to replicate cat like indifference and stealth maneuverability. Like an ordinary cat, the iFeline will sit on your lap when… Continue reading