Where thoughts run free… I’m back at the keyboard trying to put together a sentence. Woo-hoo! Got one! Now, where do I go from here? Down the page, of course, keyboarding my way through a bramble of thoughts. Ouch! I wish they’d stop needling me. Yet, they continue pushing their prickly points. Bramble! Bramble! Bramble!… Continue reading
Freedom of Speech Is A License to Speak — Use It, Or Lose It!
As writers, we have a responsibility to speak out when things get under our skin and poke at our gut in an unrelenting way. Words that evoke emotion or provoke thought is what writers do and should be doing, especially now at a time of one-party government led by an authoritarian bent president. Jessica Kourkounis… Continue reading
A Doctor Almost Killed My Father
My father’s fragile frame paces through my mind, dressed in a flimsy gown, hiding the dignity he tries to keep. With a nurse on each arm, he sloths toward the exit sign, a cruel promise resonating in a distant hall. Lingering hysteria shadows the tasks I perform to imitate normalcy. Thoughts of my father ride a… Continue reading
Finding My Focus In Life And Writing
I’ve always had trouble finding my way from Point A to Point B and often end up at Point Z. With thoughts in a constant state of flux, the only way to anchor them is to purge them onto paper. If I didn’t write, my backed-up brain would need an enema. It’s hard for thoughts to stay in one… Continue reading
Why Writers Write
| Moment Catchers | Word Shapers | Many of us didn’t choose to become writers. Writing became us. It is an intricate part of who we are that inspires us to become better writers and therefore better people. Writing is therapy, a self-motivating, actualizing process that helps us understand the world and ourselves, by observing then… Continue reading
In Search of My Blog’s Soul
I’ve been searching for my blog’s soul that I lost over time. -Will I find it with my car keys? -Do blogs have a soul? Questions, so many questions… A nugget of curiosity rattles around in your head. Do you have the answers? You might ask. Yes, I might reply. I’ll tell you what I know… Continue reading
White House Pulls The Plug On Meals On Wheels
Considered a non-essential item in the White House budget, the Meals on Wheels program will likely be terminated along with grandma — “Whose life expectancy exceeds her value to society,” according to the budget overview. “Non-essential spending on people who’ve outlasted their expiration date will be shifted to essential budgets like the military, to help pay for wars caused by Trump’s… Continue reading
DeVos To Rollout Her Vodka Soda Swap Plan For Schools
Higher education depends on a higher tolerance to alcohol. ~Betsy DeVos In Betsy DeVos’s first action as Secretary of Education, she called for an expansion of Michelle Obama’s healthy school lunch program, introducing her plan to replace sodas with vodka in school cafeteria vending machines. A spokesperson for Stolichnaya confirmed reports of airplane-sized bottles being flow into… Continue reading
New Trump, Same As The Old Trump
During the President’s first address to Congress, television viewers watched the relaunch of President Trump. A New Trump, who looked like the Old Trump but didn’t insult anybody. Before stepping behind the podium, Old Trump pressed an imaginary reset button he thought would erase all the bad things he said over the years. It was obvious… Continue reading
Sweden Incident: The Migrant Meatball Crisis
The sneeze heard around the world. The cause of the Sweden Incident became clearer late Sunday night in newly leaked information from the Trump White House. A kitchen in Stockholm is the focus of the investigation that involves a plate of spaghetti and one migrant meatball that went missing during an early bird special. Reports from… Continue reading