Image by The U.S. National Archives via Flickr GRIMI’m so busy answering phones I don’t have time to complain. I’m not happy unless I complain. I have to let the outsiders know that I’m a martyr. But, it’s too easy to use the front door. There’s got to be another way out of here. GRIMMER… Continue reading
Fasten Your Brain Belts. Turbulence Ahead.
On my way home, I lost my way once again, this time ending up on a road to nowhere with signs along the way that said, “Matrax.” At one point, I passed a lone shack with two men in front having a conversation, or so I thought . . . I THINK, THEREFORE I AM… Continue reading
Talking to the dead has never been easier . . .
When You’re RosettaStoned. (with THC Tombstone Technology) Do you pay hundreds of dollars for just a two-minute dialog with an expired relative (always check the date of sale)? With a RosettaStoned Memorial, you pay a one-time fee for unlimited calls to the dead and a lifetime of memories. Disclaimer: weed not included. Just press the… Continue reading
Blogging: Connecting to Readers via a T1 Line to the Heart.
Image by mcclouds via Flickr THE HUMAN ELEMENT. I had to get this off my sagging chest by writing this, shall I say, wireless blog post, that, hopefully, like a wireless bra, will be both uplifting and supportive, without any annoying restrictions – a way to raise the consciousness, as it were. One day,… Continue reading
Spam–What is it good for?
A scammer’s email that dropped into my spam folder like bird excrement>> Subject: kindly consider my proposal. (Reply: kindly go f**k yourself) Good Day (good riddance) Let me start by apologizing the manner at which i approached you without prior communication. (your present communication ain’t so great either). I am Patrick Chan,… Continue reading
My Lawn – The Axis of Evil.
Post Cuttings – Spring Edition. (transplanted and re-potted) I search my lawn for insurgent weeds. The situation is grave. The dandelions continue to advance, despite the hundreds I’ve already rooted out. I raise the alert level to red and prepare for a full-scale attack. With plastic bag in hand, I move out and quickly spot… Continue reading
Writing on Life Support.
Image by mroach via Flickr No food for thought oozing through the feeding tube. I apologize for the lack of posts lately and visits to your blogs. At the end of the day (and the beginning), my brain looks something like an out of whack Mac suffering from hormonal dissonance. PC Cabana boy, fetch me… Continue reading
My Words Posted at Word for Words.
Image by churl via Flickr This past week I was honored to guest post at Adele Annesi’s blog Word for Words, conversations on creativity. An amazing site for writers and bloggers. Adele, who is a wonderful literary writer and editor, provides incredible insight and advice on the art of writing. Please swing by Word for… Continue reading
Brain Deficit.
It’s like the federal deficit, except you’re not paying for my stupidity . . . yet.
The Wizard of Glob: A Tasteless Parody of a Timeless Classic.
Image via Wikipedia WE’RE OFF TO FIND THE BUTTER. Recently, I stopped at a b-rated supermarket where the food and aisles have been downsized to accommodate a few average-sized shoppers and carts at a time, in addition to a menagerie of Munchkins. You know, snotty-nosed knee-knockers wielding mini-shopping carts like weapons. Passing through the automatic… Continue reading