Why do you own me and keep me on the shelf while digging deeper in? I am so over you and yet you continue to control my life. You are such a pain. I can’t forget you, no matter how hard I try. When I sit, it reminds me of you. So, I stand, and… Continue reading
The Refrigerator Chronicles
The last time we peaked inside the refrigerator door the light was off and a coup was taking place. The cheese, yogurt and luncheon meat on the third shelf had been conspiring to take over the top shelf, where the milk and orange juice were having a conference. “OJ,” said Moo Milk. “I’m hearing talk… Continue reading
Shallow End of the Office
The scattered secretary. Secretaria stared at her “to-do” list until the words grew hazy. Unfortunately, for Secretaria, “to dos” often turned into “to don’ts,” a much longer list. If success was predicated on whoever had the longest “to-don’t” list, Secretaria would surely have been the Guinness Book winner in the category. That’s why she grew… Continue reading
To Do or To Don’t
Here I go bouncing around in my head again. Would have. Could have. Should have. What to do first? How ’bout completing the “To Do” List from May 18th? There are still two items left. They just don’t disappear because you aren’t thinking about them. For God’s sake, it’s only two items — a ten… Continue reading
Mind travel to earth town
It starts with a spontaneous thought – rain, sky, water, mud – a pit in the yard where the underground train to hell departs. All aboard! Take it slow. This train’s gonna be packed back-to-back with souls. Every seat sold is in a smoking car. Every newborn gets a cigar. Air’s a luxury down here… Continue reading
Supermarket Stories
The Frozen Food Samaritan It seems that every time I go to the market, I have an interesting encounter. On my last visit, it took place in the frozen food section. I was perusing the dinners when a well-dressed elderly woman decided to give me some pointers on finding the least expensive meal without sacrificing… Continue reading