Because I can’t taste you anymore. At least, not in the way I used to. Several months ago, I noticed that trusted flavors lacked their usual zest: Garlic, yogurt, onions…all tasted bland. Granted, I’ve never been much of a cook…Well, food tasted blander than that. At first, I thought I was imagining it. But as… Continue reading
The Internet ADHD Experiment
Scientists using the focally challenged as lab rats. The Internet is more addictive than crack because it’s as pervasive as air. Earlier today, the Fantasy News Network (FNN) uncovered a massive secret program in which ADHD individuals are unwittingly being used as test subjects in one of the most ambitious experiments in human history, in… Continue reading
Broken News in Boston!
CNN, the Crap News Network Hi, this is Blitz Geezer in Boston along with John Bland, Lance Fancy Pants and Tapioca Pudding. ALL THE NEWS BOBBLEHEADS NOD INDEFINITELY. BLITZ GEEZER Since we don’t have anything new to report, we’ll talk incessantly about nothing, Tapioca. LANCE FANCY PANTS No thank you. I… Continue reading
The Children of Violence, a Generation of Lost Innocence
As a child in the sixties, my innocence and the innocence of the nation, was shattered by three assassinations, one, years before the others, the others, just several months apart. My generation could no longer hope for the clichéd, happy resolution at the end of a story. Our world, once a pocket of predictability,… Continue reading
Blankety-blank page, the bleeping white brain suck
Thought I’d never see you again. But here you are, staring at me like a white light at the end of an airport ramp crammed with waitlisted souls. God, you are not. If I were to compare you to an omnipotent being, it would be the devil. You torture me like he does and… Continue reading
River Testament
Swiftly down the river, a canoe rides the current, crashing into rocks and sediment, swaying with each bump of cascading water. Shoes and other evidence of human residue slosh back and forth inside the hull. Words scribbled on an envelope, stuffed inside a pocket, soaked from river wash, disintegrate into flotsam. “I tried to… Continue reading
If I Could See with My Nose
My dog Jenny smells coyotes and cats with her superpower nose that can detect animal life through closed windows. It amazes me what she can see with her nose. I stand at the window staring at trees and grass, and bits of sagging sky through the hills, and see nothing living or breathing…. Continue reading
The Hail Mary Hissy Fit
Sometimes you’ve got to vent, then pray it saves your head. Let it go! Let it rip! Let it ride on black while you’re blue. If it only stopped at red. Instead, my unhinged roulette spins off course into a storm, Down a ravine I didn’t see. No time for a Hail Mary… Continue reading
Paradise Lost
One forkful then another, she slipped the succulent oozing chocolate past parting lips, licking them clean, as luscious dark decadence painted her tongue. More, she wanted more chunks of rich cathartic bliss to scoop then swallow, lifting, then plunging into a yearning mouth; her only focus, she was oblivious to everything else, including the potential hazard… Continue reading
Ethereal Whispers
A sound flutters around me in a distant sort of way, a voice as ethereal as a whisper, speaks my name, “Sherri, Sherri.” Strange…I’m the only one here in the dwindling afternoon, waiting for darkness to swallow sunlight…“Sherri, Sherri.” Through the haze, shadows with human faces drift through a dimly lit room; my mother… Continue reading