The Next Big Thing Blog Hop I’m thrilled to be participating in a blog hop called, “The Next Big Thing.” I was tagged by humor writer June O’Hara @ The Neurosis Files and asked to answer ten questions about my most recent writing project. Here are my responses: Ms. Salkin — Please call me Lauren. Lauren, where… Continue reading
Got Fiscal Cliff Fatigue?
I’ve got the cure! Call your Congressman! Oh, that’s right. Your Congressman is on vacation, probably off somewhere with his mistress or mister downing shots of liquid cheer. Joy to the world and all that crap. What’s that sound? It’s the echo from an avalanche of money cascading down the fiscal cliff…. Continue reading
Tech Essential Transporter for the Home
This post is brought to you by My Life Scoop – get tips for a connected lifestyle at Beam Me Up Honey! Homestead Barco Transporter for People Who Hate to Exercise Climbing up a flight of stairs can be tedious and exhausting, especially after a long day at the office. Hiking up twenty steps… Continue reading
Newtown – A tragedy close to home
I didn’t know any of the victims of the Newtown shooting. I’ve only been to Newtown once for an interview. I remember the long stretch of road and tree-laden landscape of the town, only twenty miles north of my house. When I think of mass shootings, school lockdowns, and candlelight vigils, I think of Aurora and… Continue reading
Blog Armageddon
I Got Hacked – Excuse My Appearance I’m having technical difficulty and am working on the problem. Not me personally because I don’t know what the hell I’m doing. Some pages on my blog may look odd or unappealing. More odd or unappealing than usual. Please be more patient than I am. I’m at Defcon… Continue reading
Sick of the Same Old Cell Tower Disguises?
Don’t settle for boring when you can dress up your monopole with a fun cell tower disguise! Campy Cell Tower Disguises is the premier cell tower costume company, brightening lives since 1999. Our staff of certified microwave Arborists can spruce up any dull cell tower spruce. And transform this… Into this… Just choose from one of our… Continue reading
My Blog Saw God after BlueHost Pulled the Plug
On Sunday night, my blog’s soul left its template and saw a white page. After floating through the blogosphere for twenty minutes, wistfully remembering a time when its theme filled a tiny void in cyberspace, my blog bumped into God on his way to his weekly meeting with Steve Jobs. God smiled, laid his hand… Continue reading
The Onion Book of Known Knowledge [Hardcover] – You Can Kill Flies with It!
Just as the onion is a staple in the kitchen… The Onion is a staple in satire… “Since its founding by a Prussian tuber farmer in 1756, The Onion has expanded into an omnipotent news empire, with a Peabody Award-winning 24-hour cable news network…” Rightfully, skewering empty-headed cretins with its tuber farmer wit. The Onion Book of Known… Continue reading
Shit Happened! Rain, Snow and Windbags at the Polls
In two weeks, a hurricane, election and nor’easter passed through the collective consciousness – I wasn’t conscious. A week without electricity, another (almost) without cable, rendered me comatose. On election day, a political discussion with a member of the opposing party didn’t go well. Not a good day to discuss politics. Note to self. The week… Continue reading
Anti-Bullying Horror Film, Red Head Randy, Seeks to Scare the Shit out of Bullies
Bullying kills self-esteem, which in some cases, leads to suicide when a demoralized kid sees no other way out. In honor of National Bully Prevention Month, I’m helping indie filmmaker Raymond Deane promote his Anti-Bullying Horror Film, “Red Head Randy,” about a high school student who is harassed and beaten for being gay. Tormented by bullies who relentlessly tease him about his red… Continue reading