Most people think like this: B&W B&WB&W B&W B&WB&WB&W B&WB&WB&WB&WB&W But writers think like this: !?^~*€¥§‡««¤µ†~*¿!?^~*€¥▼{‡¬««µ†~^~*€¥▼{£§‡«¤µ We can’t help ourselves. While driving to work I think about imaginary characters, or the tarp in the back of the truck in front of me that looks like there’s a body beneath it, or the street sign… Continue reading
Date Archives → June 2013
Writers are from Mars and Visit Often
During the pubescent Salkin years, I used to think humans were Martian spawns. I don’t know where that idea came from. I guess the same place all weird ideas came from – the sky … and UFOs. Sometime later during my teenage years, after I got my first typewriter, a thought hit me between… Continue reading
What’s on the blogging menu today?
Scrambled Words and Toast. Do your words lay in clumps across the page, like scrambled eggs? Do they yearn for something more than a comma or a period? Do they need a fork to guide them, a menu to organize them? Do your words lose their meaning and look more like toast? It happened to… Continue reading