You may have noticed a silence lately emanating from my blog. Words missing. Subscribers slipping. A blog on the verge of extinction. But, it couldn’t be the farthest from the truth. I’ve just migrated over to the Medium blogging platform that has a wider audience than mine. Medium is a community within many communities. Topics… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → blog
Blog Post: Headline Not Included!
I used to wait until I had a headline before writing a blog post but realized a headline corrals your thoughts. Sometimes you need to let your thoughts run free. See where they lead you, not follow where your headline tells them to go. That’s when I have the most fun writing—when I let my… Continue reading
A Blog In Progress
I’ve been blogging off and on since 2009, the year I lost my job during the not-so-great recession. Back then I blogged to purge my thoughts and never thought about finding a niche for my blog. I considered blogging a platform for testing ideas, where I could meet other bloggers and get feedback on my posts…. Continue reading
Blogging Your Way Back To Writing
Why write a post for free when I should be revising a story I want to sell to a magazine? Writing is my focus, not blogging.
Continue readingFor The Love Of Writing
I’ve always wanted to be a writer, which is a silly notion. How can you want to be something you already are? Writing became me. It is intrinsic to how I live my life. I am a scribbler, an anthropologist, a curator of words. Writing is my religion. It’s as close to God as I… Continue reading
My Existential Blogging Crisis
Blogger, Writer, Tech Support I stop by my blog every now and then to dust off the dashboard.“Why am I here?” I ask, waiting for divine intervention. But, all I got was spam. Other times, I return to the dashboard after receiving a bad news email from a security plugin that’s a bit of a drama… Continue reading
Are You A Moody Blogger?
Do you post at the same time each week or when the light hits your computer at a certain angle? Light includes both natural and unnatural lighting — a flashlight in the event of a power failure.
A Blogger Looks Back to 2009 and Asks, Why Am I Here?
I started blogging back in May 2009 shortly after I lost my job as a customer service rep at a bakery where only the baked goods were nut-free. The gal who preceded me and the one who followed were also let go after three months. We all got the tee-shirt, but one of us… Continue reading