A conversation with myself because no one else will listen. Why don’t I feel like writing: Arctic spring weather? Green goop in China? Wrist Apnea? Lame, lame and lame. Just strike the damn keys until something appears – Black-and-blue words, broken letters… Cut the crap! You’re being lazy. No one gets anywhere by being lazy. You’ve… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → writer’s block
Blankety-blank page, the bleeping white brain suck
Thought I’d never see you again. But here you are, staring at me like a white light at the end of an airport ramp crammed with waitlisted souls. God, you are not. If I were to compare you to an omnipotent being, it would be the devil. You torture me like he does and… Continue reading
A Left Brain Plot to Kill a Right Brain Post
Fear hangs out with the letters on my keyboard among the dust clusters and granola bar crumbs. Actually, fear appears as a red herring, a fishy character that presumably kills off my blog post. But I know the real perpetrator, Perfectionism. The Perfectionist evil doer hijacks my brain, duct tapes my arms to the chair,… Continue reading